Plotscript is a multi-threaded application that allows for mathematical programming capabilities from simple calculations, including trigonometry and complex number computation, to lambda equations and advanced graphing. The heart of the application is the kernel, a tree-walking interpreter that accepts input in Plot Script and produces output resulting from execution of the script.

In addition, we developed continuous plots which take a lambda function of a single independent variable and a List with two entries denoting the lower and upper bounds of the independent variable, producing PlotScript graphic objects rendering a continuous plot of the function. The idea, in a nutshell, was in a tree structure as the operator is the root and the two operands are the children for the root where we evaluate the program from the outermost expression or in CS term post-order traversal.

Lastly, we used QT, a front-end framework that allowed for the different mathematical graphics for the graphs and equations. For more examples, check out the Github ReadMe!
